
Implementing Huffman coding in C

Starting this October, I am a first year Computer Science student at the University of Bucharest 🎉

One of the classes I’ve been enjoying is “Computer Systems Arhitecture”. Last week, we were introduced to the notion of Entropy in Information Theory. The way our professor introduced it was amusing, because it seemed completely devoid from any relevant Computer Science, but rather just seemed like… Statistics. Things got a bit interesting when we were told the Entropy value could be thought of as a theoretical limit for how good a compression algorithm could get.

We were shown Huffman as an example right after, and it had been a long time since I toyed with a language outside of my comfort zone. I dabbled with Rust a fair share in the past, but this course has me writing x86 Assembly, so I figured I’d use the next best thing, C. I was pretty excited at the prospect of a fun little side-project (ideas that I actually like and that I can reasonably bring to completion are rare for me), so I got to writing immediately without paying attention to the rest of the lecture.

The first obvious hurdle was that I had never written C. My experience with C/C++ was limited to C++ in VS2019/VS2022. I quickly spun up a project with CMake, taking a friend’s C project as inspiration, and found myself getting used to the rather unfamiliar pattern of writing a struct and the matching init_X and free_X functions.

Anyways, I got to working on encoding. The first step is counting how many times each character in our input shows up. I decided I’d only support encoding ASCII text files, so the most trivial way to count is to just initialize an array like so:

int count[256] = {0};

such that count[x] is the number of times x has shown up (where x is an unsigned char).

One traversal later, and we’re interested in beginning to create our Huffman tree. The other parts of our API are also interested in knowing how many initial nodes we’re working with, so I designed the API like so:

struct TreeNodeList
    struct TreeNode **nodes;
    int length;

// -- snip --
struct TreeNodeList *node_list_from_file(FILE *file);

Converting from our int count[256] to a TreeNodeList, once again, is trivial assuming we counted the number of unique characters from the get-go, so I’ll be omitting the code for it, but it can be found here.

Great, so now we have an array of nodes, we just have to arrange them into our tree. The algorithm is super simple:

  1. Sort our nodes array by their “weights” (e.g. how many times the character showed up)
  2. Create a new node, where node->left is the node with the lowest weight and node->right is the node with the 2nd lowest weight, it takes the place of its now-children in our list.
  3. If the length of our list is now 1, return its only element (our completed tree), otherwise return to step 1.

Obviously, this is not the best for performance when implemented literally this way. Calling qsort every single time is rather terrible, but I just wanted to get things to work.

Interestingly, even with this naive approach with poor time complexity, I spent by far the most time on this function. I had it working fairly fast, but running leaks -atExit -- ./src/huffman-c would constantly yell at me about unfreed memory, uh-oh.

This was definitely the moment I missed C++ the most. This sucked a ton more than all the nice STL data structures I was missing, smart pointers would’ve made this an infinitely quicker job. Rust would’ve also made this a lot nicer to with its ownership rules (or how much easier it is to just copy data semantically speaking).

As I was hunting down the leaks, I ran into other problems, like accidentally copying pointers to the same heap-allocated TreeNode and re-using them, leading to really confusing bugs. Ultimately, I gave up on any sensible behavior and decided to just literally always copy my data. Bit more debugging with leaks later, and we landed on this (very not clean) implementation:

struct TreeNode *build_tree_root(struct TreeNodeList *list)
    if (list->length == 1)
        return list->nodes[0];

    qsort(list->nodes, list->length, sizeof(struct TreeNode *), &compare_nodes);

    struct TreeNode *new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
    init_node(new_node, list->nodes[0]->weight + list->nodes[1]->weight, '\0');

    struct TreeNode *left = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
    memcpy(left, list->nodes[0], sizeof(struct TreeNode));
    new_node->left = left;

    struct TreeNode *right = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
    memcpy(right, list->nodes[1], sizeof(struct TreeNode));
    new_node->right = right;

    list->nodes[0] = new_node;

    memcpy(&list->nodes[1], &list->nodes[2], (list->length - 2) * sizeof(struct TreeNode *));

    return build_tree_root(list);

Awesome! Now that we have our tree, we can get to encoding. But first, I figured I’d add another extra useful layer of abstraction, a sort of “dict”, mapping each character to the string of bits that reached the correct leaf node in our tree.

One preorder traversal later, and we have our dict. Once again, this is pretty simple, but you can have a look at that here.

Onto the actually cool stuff, we need to encode (compress, really!) our data, now. Naturally, the first thing I thought of is splitting the file into a header and a body. Our header will hold our tree, since it’s the only thing we really need for decoding, while the body itself will be our characters expressed as their respective Huffman codes.

Let’s start with the header. Some quick Googling about the best way to encode a binary tree into a file, and I learned about Succint encoding, which I used as inspiration.

Here’s what I ended up with:

static inline void write_tree_node(FILE *out, struct TreeNode *node)
#define WRITE_TYPE(type) fwrite(&type, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, out)

    if (node == NULL)
        // Write a 0 to indicate that this node is null
        unsigned char type = 0;


    if (node->symbol == 0)
        // 1 for node with no data
        unsigned char type = 1;
        // 2 is for node with data
        unsigned char type = 2;

        // Write the symbol for our leaf
        fwrite(&node->symbol, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, out);

    // Write the left and right children
    write_tree_node(out, node->left);
    write_tree_node(out, node->right);


So, we read our file byte by byte using this recursive preorder function. 0 0 means there’s no children (we have a leaf), 1 0 means there’s only a left-hand side child (and so on). 2 is functionally the same as 1, except it tells the decoder that the next byte is actually the symbol (i.e. character) associated with that node.

The main thing I’d improve here is probably implementing some decoder tricks around type 2. With the structure of Huffman trees, only leafs contain data to begin with, so type 2 could make the following 0 0 redundant, but this is good enough for now.

Next up, we have our body. The main thing that stumped me was how to deal with byte alignment. After all, our data format could (is actually quite likely) to create an output where the number of bits isn’t a multiple of 8. In retrospect, especially with how simple the solution I landed on is, this was a silly thing to get stuck on.

We start with an array of bits. I chose to work with bools, since it seemed simpler to me:

bool bits_buf[8] = {0};
int bits_buf_index = 0;

int c;
while ((c = fgetc(in)) != EOF)
    struct DictEntry entry = dict[c];
    for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++)
        bits_buf[bits_buf_index++] = entry.code[i];
        if (bits_buf_index == 8)
            unsigned char byte = bit_array_to_byte(bits_buf);
            fwrite(&byte, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, out);
            bits_buf_index = 0;

We build up byte after byte and flush it to our file. Ultimately, we simply check how many bits our last byte is missing (e.g. we could have only 10101 so far) and pad on the right with 0s. This isn’t enough though, since with our example, we would end up with 10101000. Those last 3 0s could potentially produce an additional character when decoding, so we need to ensure we ignore them.

We simply write how much we padded by as one last byte to our file:

unsigned char padding = 0;

if (bits_buf_index > 0)
    while (bits_buf_index < 8)
        bits_buf[bits_buf_index++] = 0;

    unsigned char byte = bit_array_to_byte(bits_buf);
    fwrite(&byte, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, out);

fwrite(&padding, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, out);

Decoding follows much of the same principles: we read the header recursively. Encountering 0s as children is what allows us to eventually exit without knowing the size of the tree before hand, and from here, we do a few reading tricks:

// We need the last byte to tell how much padding we have, but first let's save where we are
long pos = ftell(bin);

int padding;
fseek(bin, -1, SEEK_END);

fread(&padding, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, bin);

// Now rewind
fseek(bin, pos, SEEK_SET);

Aaaand using a nice util function that allows us to look 2 bytes ahead (since we want to stop on the byte before our padding byte) we parse through, bit after bit, walk our tree until we hit a leaf, at which point we write its associated symbol to a custom DynString and reset:

int byte;
while ((byte = fgetc(bin)) != EOF)
    bool last = fpeek2(bin) == EOF;

    // If our condition is true, we're on our last byte,
    // which is the padding we already read
    unsigned char bits_to_read = last ? 8 - padding : 8;

    for (unsigned char i = 0; i < bits_to_read; i++)
        bool bit = byte & (1 << (7 - i));

        root = bit ? root->right : root->left;

        // If we're at a leaf, write the symbol
        if (root->symbol != '\0')
            push_to_dyn_string(string, root->symbol);
            // Reset the root
            root = root_copy;

    if (last)

And there we have it. Let’s compress a larger file (104MBs of lorem ipsum) and see how much we save:

huffman-c via â–ł v3.30.5
❯ ./build/src/huffman-c encode ./original.in ./encoded.out
huffman-c via â–ł v3.30.5
huffman-c on via â–ł v3.30.5
❯ ls | grep -e original.in -e encoded.out
.rw-r--r--@  55M didinele 29 Oct 12:10 encoded.out
.rw-r--r--@ 104M didinele 29 Oct 12:09 original.in

Seems like it works! Let’s also decode back, and verify that our original file is the same as the decoded one:

huffman-c via â–ł v3.30.5
❯ ./build/src/huffman-c decode ./encoded.out ./decoded.out

huffman-c via â–ł v3.30.5
❯ diff --brief <(sort ./original.in) <(sort ./decoded.out)

No diff! 🎉

I had a blast with this project & learned a fair share. I hope I’ll find the drive to this sort of thing more often.